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Doorways Spiritual Direction and
Spiritual Direction
& Supervision
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Spiritual Direction with Paula Mitchell

Spiritual Direction is an on-going monthly relationship specifically for the purpose of becoming more attuned to God’s presence in order to respond more fully to what God is doing in all of life.  Eugene Peterson, a pastor, author and professor of Christian spirituality, described it this way,“It is teaching people to pray, to discern the presence of grace in events and feelings, affirming the presence of God at the heart of life, sharing a search for light through a dark passage, guiding the formation of a self-understanding that is biblically spiritual instead of merely psychological or sociological…. It is “space to explore the everyday ordinariness for the presence of God and workings of grace”, precisely at those times when “nothing seems to be happening”.  If you are looking for this type of relationship—Paula would love to come alongside you to help create a space where your desire for deeper intimacy is encouraged and nurtured; where you’re invited to discover more of who God is and who you are as we explore God’s presence in your questions, challenges, doubts and deepest desires.  Paula is a certified spiritual director through the ministry of Christian Formation and Direction Ministries.  She has been a Spiritual Director for 17 years and has taught in the CFDM Spiritual Director training program since 2008.

To inquire about SD or to schedule a free 15-minute phone consult, please email  Please provide your name and email and briefly answer the following questions:

  • Why are you looking for Spiritual Direction?
  • Have you met with a Spiritual Director in the past? If so, what was that like for you?
  • What times are you available for a short 15-minute consult?
  • Do you have any questions?

  • Supervision with Paula Mitchell

    The only way you can become a good spiritual director is by personal transformation, transformation from a novice to a skilled practitioner in the field. William Barry reminds us,“This doesn’t happen by book learning or by consultation alone.  They help, but the most important way is by giving spiritual direction and by being very honest about what is happening in you as you give spiritual direction. In supervision you face your own demons, your own insecurities, your own lack of faith in God, your own resistance to getting into a more intimate friendship with God.” In supervision you share what happened to you as you were with your directee. The focus is on you and your experience as you were doing spiritual direction. This is vital for your growth and development as a spiritual director.  Paula received her certificate in Supervision at the Mercy Center in Burlingame California in 2008.  She has supervised individuals and groups in the CFDM Spiritual Direction certificate program since 2008.

    To inquire about Supervision or to schedule a free 15-minute phone consult, please email Paula Mitchell at  Please provide your name and email and answer the following questions:
  • Why are you looking for Supervision at this time?
  • Have you met with a supervisor in the past? What was that like for you?
  • What times are you available for a short 15-minute consult?
  • Do you have any questions?

  • Spiritual Direction and

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    Questions? Contact Paula Mitchell at DoorwaysMinistry@
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